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What will your white outfit look like for the 100-year Women's Celebration March? How many badges will you don on your Purple Sash?


The photo to the left is in black and white.  This suffragette was wearing all white with the exception of her sash a century ago.  Her sash was purple, white and gold. The colors symbolize liberty, justice, independence.


The new sashes of this century are purple and you earn the white and gold badges place your sash showing exceptional achievement.  When people see you with these badges they will know you are an exceptional activist. 

How this works:

This is easy to do.  You do as little as you want or as much as you want in earning badges for your sash.  


The program begins in January 2019 giving you a chance to earn as many badges as you can to affix to your purple sash by the 100-yr anniversary march of women's right to vote on August 15, 2020.


The more people who earn badges in our country the more activism, good deeds, charity, volunteerism, self-help, better relations.


When you join the Purple Sash Program the Badge booklet will be in your membership packet showing what badges you earn and how.  Some examples of badge categories; Fitness, Environment, Activism, Volunteerism, Humanitarian.  Your life will be greatly improved by going through this program and so will those around you!


Order your purple sash today so we can get it in our bulk order that we have sewn.  PLease understand when you order it will take a few months to receive as we have a very large number to cover.  Your sash and booklet will be shipped to you by December 15, 2018 if you order before July 15, 2018.   Any orders after July 15, 2018 will be delivered in January 2019.


 The Purple sash will go down in history as being the most instrumental piece of fabric to bring our country together since Betsy Ross sewed the American flag.

Read more about the Purple Sash and the program here.


Follow 3-easy steps to join us!


#1  Register

#2  Order your Purple Sash

#3  Register for March




J US oday to get started!


Just imagine we have enough people earning the Environment badge each that we have planted 1-million trees, have hundreds-of-thousands of new recyclers, and beautified 1,000 neighborhoods!   OR that we supplied school lunches and supplies for every school who needs it in the country and have 10,000 new school volunteers and mentors from people earning the School Volunteer Badge.   Or any number of other things that improves our communities.   This is very exciting and those who do the work will don the most decorated purple sashes at the 100-anniversary march!  

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