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Purple Sash Program

Let's do something meaningful that builds us up after 3-years of non-stop work and stress while improving life around us. 
Remember the Brownie scout badges that each Brownie scout earned?  If you were a Brownie then you can probably still remember how exciting it was to work toward earning each badge.
We have the same concept we are doing with the Purple Sash program.   With your order of the Purple Sash program you receive;
  • Intructional booklet
  • Purple sash
Once you earn your badges you affix to your sash.   Your sash will show your level of participation.  Wear your sash to the 2020 / 1 year anniversary march of Women's Right to Vote.    Read about the March here.
The more people we get on the Purple Sash program the more we improve Health and the Environment and various other things.     Below is a list of the badges you can choose to earn from in the first year.  With great success we will add more categories to earn more badges for the following year for an annual march.
  • Health
  • Environment
  • Nature
  • The Arts
  • Education
  • Hobbies
  • Volunterism
Order The Purple Sash Program here.
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Each badge described in instructional booklet in your program packet.
The suffrgists wore purple sashes with gold and white.  Your sash is solid purple and the white and gold will come from the badges so you have all the colors of the suffragists banners.
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Muscles and Bones


Teeth, Skin, Eyes

Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Weight, Stress

Vitamin D

Laughing, Sleep, Gratefulness

Insurance (Health, Dental, Vision)





















Meal's on Wheels

Food Pantry





$1 - $25 donations per week





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