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Step 1

Let's be real! 

We wasted 6.8 billion dollars.

As you were informed from 2nd video THE CULTURE we talked about 6.8 billion dollars wasted from 2016 election not to speak of the billions of hours of volunteer time.  And, what do we have to show for it?  It is extremely sad to think of how much good we could have done for those in need or even putting toward a cure for a disease.  Instead we are left with depression and even PTSD. Let's NOT repeat this sinful waste EVER again!   and, let's get out of this funk!




With our solution:

  • We can win the races for candidates we back and know weeks before Election day we have won

  • Win those races without the candidate having to raise funds or do a grueling campaign                                                                                   (candidate still has cost of filing fee)

  • You will be able to save your money and spend your time on YOU and helping others!


How can this be?


With our Women in Politics project we have the solution for electing who we back.  We are confident in our plan.  We teach our plan and train our activists in this plan as time goes by through our 10-segment series you will read about below.  We have taken into consideration every and all factors of a campaign including the voter registration, gerrymandering, voter suppression, vote purging, vote count and other factors.  We are women and we think ahead and always have a solution!  With women leading the way we can elect the next Congress who is made up of people who care about people.  


We are more than politics. Politics is one of our projects.  We are more because we have to holistically heal this country and politics is not the only problem. More "Love and Kindness" is needed.  We have a well-rounded humanitarian approach to tackling major issues that can be taken care of BEFORE we fix the bad politics.   With large number of people and the enormous collective mass passion for change we are excited to get started.


We have done all the research, planning and now ready to launch.  


If you like our direction then please ORDER a membership to help in funding for our continued and expanded operations.  With memberships we know we cover our budget, are more organized due to having members, and therefore, more efficient and productive in our projects.  


FYI: instead of you throwing money into a campaign or candidate you have no idea is going to result in a victory your membership gives you direct results for you and the things we work on.  For example how crazy would it be to ACTUALLY spend our time bringing more "Love and Kindness" into the world starting with each one of us?!


We want to make sure YOU are receiving direct benefits for YOU so we have  made sure membership fee goes toward a multi-purpose budget.  What we mean by this is everything you receive from your membership helps improve your life and your activism but it also improves the lives of others, our communities and our country.


Which brings us to the FIRST thing you receive with your membership which is a Mind & Body Renewal & Empowerment program.  The women we are working with have been negatively impacted emotionally and then physically by the 2016 Election.  The Mind & Body Renewal & Empowerment program not only leads you out of a rut and lifts you up emotionally it provides mental and physical strength and fitness for the work ahead of us in Women in Politics project and any other things you chose to do with our program to improve lives and situations in your community.  (Not to mention if you want to set a goal for losing weight or getting in shape for the photos we are sure to be in for the history books after what we are out to accomplish!  WINK WINK)


The Mind & Body Program is a $125 value but yet you only pay $39 for your total membership PLUS you have many other benefits listed below including a 10-series podcast for training, instruction, and motivation. 


The Purple Factory Membership

  • Women in Politics project (voter info, candidate endorsement and more which can put majority of women in Congress by 2018 and many other offices filled by women in 2020)

  • In addition to "Women in Politics" you can participate in other things under PROJECTS  

  • Also, check out on the Program/Details page (in right-hand column)

           Good Deed Darlings

           Venture Out Volunteer Day

           Sister Sister Program






         In addition

You receive a Membership Packet that includes:


  • Purple Sash (This is a sash you wear to our events when representing The Purple Factory) There is an entire Purple Sash program you may participate in when it is available in 2018.  If you chose to do this then you will add badges to your Purple Sash.  The Purple Sash is also worn our 100-yr celebration march.      100 year Women's Celebration March


  • Mind and Body Heal & Empower Program   

  •        We have been through hell with the long and hard campaign of 2016, shock of election outcome to everyday stress we have lived under since.                            This program is AMAZING!  It not only will HEAL YOU

  •         but, it will also lift your life up in ways you never thought possible.  This one program is worth a 

  •        100-times over your membership fee if a price could ever be put on improving your life in such a way!  We each of our members to have this                              program with their membership so they are they are;

  •        Healed, Positive, Energetic, Vibrant, Confident or in other words FIGHTING FORM for what we

  •        are about to do with shifting power from men to women in politics and government


  • 10 Segment Training Program (Over Podcast)















There is so much more to your membership you can read about on PROGRAM page.  However, if you are ready. . .  JOIN!



First 2-segments you have already been introduced to which is The Leadership & The Culture.

     Here is the complete list of segments to VICTORY

   The Leadership​

   The Culture

   The Strategy

   The Training  

   The Action

​   The Victory​

   The Celebration

   The Governing 

   The Results

​    The Example


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