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Step 2

What would the world feel like, be like if we all had nothing but positive energy for even one day?  


We get a glimpse of this ever so often when a massive tragedy happens and people pull together to help one another.  At the core most people are good and caring. 


However, we live in a time when everyone is stressed out, being sarcastic is popular on social media, the meanest and most conniving on reality shows are the most popular, and anti-depressant and anti-anxiety drug sells have never been higher, while gun and domestic violence on the rise.  And, this is just speaking to the mental health of our country. 


Since the 2016 Election more WOMEN have very notable sadness, anger, and even depression.  We were shocked! Then the awful reality set in of first off WHO was going to be in power and what that meant to women and POC and then we realized how much worse misogyny is than we ever knew..  We saw the most powerful, strong, hard-working, caring, and qualified woman be reduced to less than, lied about, cheated and hated.  


We witnessed Hillary take a beating from every direction. And, we felt every blow she took because IT WAS FAMILIAR to us in our struggle to do good for others and work to better ourselves to be discounted or unappreciated or worse abused.  


If Hillary could not get respect or a fair and just treatment how were we ever going to realize our own dreams or be accepted as a whole human being?  








We have made the 2nd Step of our program HEAL because we can't begin to help let alone heal a nation without being strong ourselves.  


As the most invaluable part of your membership we will all be going through a Mind & Body program together.   This ONE THING will at the very least get you out of a rut, build your confidence, strengthen your will, increase your energy but what it will probably do is change your life for the positive in the most profound way.  


We want the BEST for and from millions of our members.  Just think what we can do together when we all are at our BEST mentally and physically!


And, with our goals we all NEED to be Wonder Woman!       

Just think of it as you are member of the Purple Brigade and you are going through Purple Boot Camp to be in fighting from.


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