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There is no one like us! We are moooooving mountains!

                                                      Studies show when people help others their                                                         mesolimbic system, the portion of the brain                                                            responsible for feelings of reward are                                                                    triggered.


                                                      The mesolimbic pathway, sometimes                                                                      referred to as the reward pathway, is a                                                                  dopaminergic pathway in the brain. 



      Benefits From Helping Others


  • Improves your health & happiness

  • Can boost your self-esteem

  • Provides you with stronger friendships

  • You become more positive person

  • You become more confident

  • You feel like you belong 

  • Provides an inner peace

  • YOU feel grateful

  • Renews your spirit

  • Sparks a fire in others to help 




No we are not a bunch of cows!  LOL

But, who knows . . we might end up milking one.  You never know where this fun and crazy journey is going to take us.

















We are humanitarians from all 50 states.   We are mainly women but we do have some men. We are ready to introduce a more cost-effective and above all RESULTS ORIENTED solution to how we do humanitarian. We have paid teams and non-paid teams.  We have sales, administrative, researchers, planners, marketing and advertising on staff.




We work with like minds and big hearts to make our world better. We work with every race and religion. We are not too young and never too old! Age is just a number.     












As a member you instantly have as many

girlfriends all over the country and even the world who have joined us! Helping others has never been so much fun, so meaningful, or productive!









The majority of people have the same goals; access to good healthcare, a home, safe food, water, and air, secure financial status, accessible education, kindness to animals as well as to each other. We all want a secure and peaceful existence for our kids and our grand kids.




In all 50 states in America that includes all red and blue states. And, you know what red and blue mixed together makes - PURPLE.


Our business office has been in SC and moving to FL in February 2020.  We are annouceing a new adminstrative and general assembly and districtuion office and plant in February 2020 as well.




Our work right now is preparation for our 2020 preventative health program.  We are signing our sponsors now at this time then will begin working to prepare all 3,000 counties in America for an amazing Announcement Day and launch. 


 Let's unite in fun and love for one another!









To fold the hands in prayer is well, to open them in charity is better. 
                           French Proverb

“It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.”

                                                     Maya Angelou

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