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Step 4

Millions of us will work in virtual silence to finally put women in power. But when our work is complete we will march and sing at the top of our lungs never to be silenced again.

We are marching on the 100 year anniversary month of women's right to vote.  We are going from Women of Suffrage to Women in Power!   From 1920 - 2020 we will make our biggest strides for women in these last 3 years of millions of women working together.


If you cannot march bring a wheelchair and join us or bring your lawn chair and participate from the sidelines.  Just be sure YOU participate in YOUR celebration!


This march will be like no other!  We are all wearing white with our Purple Sashes.  If you want to really enjoy the fullness of this moment have your Purple Sash filled up with achievement badges you earn through the Purple Sash program.  


At the march we will SING in unison with the rest of the country songs of patriotism, inspiration and celebration.   Our lifted voices will be so amazing the Heavens will open to witness!


Our unity in song will send a healing vibration through the country to begin a new era in leadership and government that works for all!


Mark your calendar, plan your day and/or trip, plan your clothing, have your purple sash filled up with achievement badges.   From JOIN to HEAL to BUILD we are going to REWARD ourselves after 3 years of work and honor the women before us for a century of having women recognized as equal human beings. 


Other events are being planned around the march for this to be an amazing celebration.  






Saturday, August, 15, 2020           100-year Women's Celebration March Washington DC                      

Every city and town nationwide



Participate fully in as much of our program and as many things in the program as you can so your celebration is that much sweeter! 


2-things to participate in to make the march even more amazing:


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