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America's Amazing Health Competition

We are offering a 90% discount to one small business per county while we are finishing up our preparations in each region for America's Amazing Health Competition.
This is for a TOP SPONSOR spot that is normally $7500. However,  for 48-hours it is yours for only $750.  The perks, advertising and benefits are amazing.  We are doing this so we can honor a small business owner while we keep cash flow coming in during our preparations.
Below is information on the Top Sponsor benefits, link for registration and payment. You have 48-hours  from time we send email for you to take advantage of having a TOP SPONSORSHIP for what 11 others will pay $7500 for.  (Same benefits as full-paying sponsors)
Here is what we are working on in preparation while we sign one sponsor per country at 90% off regular sponsor fee.
  • Website development 
  • Video production (for website)
  • Staff hiried and trained for your region
  • County health stats collected (obesity, diabetes, cholesterol, addiction, depression, etc)
  • Chamber of Commerce membership set up in each region
  • Venue for Reward festivals located and scheduled
No matter if you are an individual or business owner America's Amazing Health Competition will improve your life and your community making you healthier and more safe.  Now imagine the same for  your famiily and you know this is something our entire nation needs.
Imagine our entire country getting healthy together to an extent that has never been done before.  This is a powerful way to get millions of people around our entire country improving mental and physical health, being kind, positive and happy!  This kind of positive collective energy has never been experienced before.  We can't wait we are so excited!
American's Amazing Health Competition (AAHC)
Every inch of America will be involved.  Over 3,000 counties will be competing to see who loses the most weight, lowers their cholesterol the most, improves diabetes, depression, eliminates bullying and other types of harmful actions.  The competition will be between US Congressional Districts because these are already broken down by population to all be fairly close to the same number of people.  But then we calculate by averages and percentages of how many are participating so it is fair.  There will also be points earned per district such as what percentage of the district's population is participating, how many businesses and schools are participating.  We have figured in meaningful incentives so we can get the entire country massively more healthy, positive and kinder toward one another. 
This is  program is downright beautiful!
Only 2.7% of Americans are living a healthy lifestyle.  This is outrageous for a civilized and wealthy country.
Throughout our country we are divided by mainly politics not to mention other factors.  But, today the biggest is politics that both sides will tell you is the fault of the other.  At no other time in American history have we seen such a hard divide.  Family members and friends are not speaking to one another.   Holidays, work situations, churches, lifelong friendships have been disrupted and even destroyed.
We will not survive as a country if we continue down this path.  We must come together and we have the solution.  America's Amazing Health Competition!​
AAHC (America's Amazing Health Competition) is designed to have massive numbers of people HEALTHY.  This program is for mental and physical improved health.  No matter your choice for healthcare coverage in this country it is always better to have good health. 
Poor health cost employers $530 BILLION and our government over $1.1 TRILLION.  Individuals lose money even when they have healthcare coverage.  One major injury or illness and it can mean bankruptcy, loss of wages or even a job/career, home, and living with constant stress due to medical and pharmaceutical ongoing costs.  
Mental health is just as important as physical health.  On average twenty-two veterans commit suicide everyday and this is the number one cause of death to youth and younger adults.  In 2018 the suicide rate was up 33% between ages of 10 - 44.  This is unacceptable and preventable with good mental health, decrease in bullying and loneliness plus other factors that we have built into this amazing community program.
America has the largest number of gun deaths in the world. The mass shootings and especially in schools are beyond horrific and disgraceful and mental health has been a major factor.
Our program provides a strong foundation of improved mental and physical health as well as increased energy, self esteem and happiness.
January 2020                             Announcement and Signup
February 1 - May 31, 2020        Program participation
June 2020                                  Reward Festival     
Over 3,000 counties or every region throughout every inch of America
Everyone who wants to participate.   The program is free! 
Every person in our community who wants to participate no matter age, race, religion, gender, economical status . .  .  this is for EVERYONE!  Yes, for children too!
Imagine entire neighborhoods, businesses, schools, retirement homes out walking together. Imagine everyone getting mentally and physically fit together.  Imagine everyone being positive and kind to one another.   This is like no other program America has ever seen.  This can save our country from many of the dark places we have found ourselves over and over again.  This can finally unite us and give us common purpose and reward.
And, it is easy to do and it is FUN!  You will be amazed what it will do for your family or workplace in just a matter of days!
Register online, follow directions online, get support from neighborhood gatherings and community events, plus enjoy education, information and motivation from podcasts and chat rooms with instructors, professionals and experts in various fields to help you with your journey to excellent mental and physical health, improved relationships and all round positive energy most everywhere around you.  This is a must for every person to experience!
Entire neighborhoods, businesses, schools and others will be out walking together and supporting each other on this program.   Wear your AAHC t-shirt while you are walking and you might win a prize.   There will be squads out randomly picking someone who is out walking in their AAHC shirt who will win a couple of tickets to the movie, or a free dinner or any number of other things.  (Special Note:  The AAHC program is free.  The t-shirts maybe at a minimal cost to you unless we find sponsors in each area for these too and we are working on this now).
With the businesses in each community participating in sponsorship or announcement day or even an ad in the AAHC newspaper we will be able to offer more for your area including the
t-shirts for free.  Therefore, if you are someone who can help sponsor or know of someone then please let us know.  
State Sponsor
You are listed and named throughout your state 
  • Listed on finished website for your state connecting link to your URL.
  • Logo on front of walking shirt (tens to hundreds of thousands shirts)
  • Banner or flag for announcement day (marketing and advertising blast on same day)
  • Sponsor booth at each of Reward Festivals (see below)                                              Largest booth with best location
  • 2-page spread ad in the AAHC newspaper (thousands circulated)   
  • Logo listed on Posters hung throughout district
  • Name in radio advertising
  • Name in TV advertising
District Sponsor
You are listed throughout the district with average population of 650,000
  • Listed on finished website for your district connecting link to your URL.
  • Logo & name on top back in larger print than other sponsors of walking shirts (thousands)
  • Banner or flag for announcement day (marketing and advertising blast on same day)
  • Sponsor booth at each of Reward Festivals (see below)                                              Largest booth with best location
  • Full page ad in the AAHC newspaper (thousands circulated)   
  • Logo listed on Posters hung throughout district
  • Named in radio advertising
Pay Here   (After you have paid register here)
Top Sponsor
You are listed throughout the county 
  • Listed on finished website for your county connecting link to your URL.
  • Logo on back of walking shirts (thousands)
  • Banner or flag for announcement day (marketing and advertising blast on same day)
  • Sponsor booth at each of Reward Festivals (see below)                                              Large booth with desireable location
  • Full page ad in the AAHC newspaper (thousands circulated)   
  • Logo listed on Posters hung throughout country
Pay Here   (After you have paid register here)
For limited time and by invitation only BONUS OFFER (Pay only 10% of total price)
Pay Here   (After you have paid register here)
Business Sponsor
You are a sponsor for your city/town
  • Listed on finished website for your city/town connecting link to your URL.
  • Banner or flag for announcement day (marketing and advertising blast on same day)
  • Sponsor booth at each of Reward Festivals (see below)                                                               10 x 10 booth space                                           
  • 1/8 page ad in the AAHC newspaper (thousands circulated)   
Pay Here   (After you have paid register here)
Honorary Sponsor
You are a sponsor for your city/town
  • Listed on finished website for your district 
  • Banner or flag for announcement day (marketing and advertising blast on same day)          
  • Name listed in the AAHC newspaper (thousands circulated) 
Pay Here   (After you have paid register here)
Announcement Day
Monday, January 6, 2020
Imagine this!   Your city is just waking up after a season of holiday celebrations and each person feeling maybe a little dread to have to get back to the routine of work and school. It will e a Monday and most of the country will be cold and void of any flowers or green lawns and tress.  But, then .   like magic the city is blanketed in a sea of beautiful bright colors they can't miss as they are driving kids to school and themselves to work. Our of curiousity the turn on the rdio to hear what is going on as they are feeling exhiliarated and even excited seeing the colorfully bright banners and flags will be in stark contrast to a dreary winter day in most of the country.
On the radio they hear about this MASSIVE COMMUNITY PROGRAM they and their enitre famly and workplace can participate in!  And, it is FREE plus they can win prizes!  
The marketing and advertising will all be in coordination with Radio, TV, Print, Social Media, Posters and newspapers!  They will visit the website to see YOU are sponsoring them, how to register and how to get started
We want every inch of your community reached with an exciting message and reasons to participate!
Reward Festival
June 2020 after program is completed in May 2020.
The festival will be scheduled for a date that does not interfere with graduation ceremonies in your community.   There will be games, contests, entertainment, karaoke, dancing and tons of other activities.  The big attraction will be the massive amount of prizes we will give away as a reward for getting through the program.
Festival Activies
Great food and beverage vendors
Picnic tables
Horseshoe Tournament
Watergun fights
Line dancings
Turtle Races
Bounce houses and water slide for kids
and much more!
This is a great time for all ages!
  • Local radio
  • Web: any other relevant social media sites
  • First Invite: Send out direct mailer “save the date’s” to targeted partciipants
  • Event Calendars: Post event to local event calendars in community newspapers, magazines and websites
  • Mass Email: As event details emerge, continuously email contact lists to provide updates
  • Posters/Fliers: Put up posters around town and hand out fliers at community events to spread the word
  • Television PSA and on morning and other shows to announce
As a member of the community and a business owner this is a great way for your to contribute and participate as a Food vendor while having the opportunity to earn revenue as well.  

Let the healing begin!

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